In the name of God who owns soul and wisdom
These are the best attributes of God
Philosopher Ferdowsi
This article in our weblog is sth very new and you, visitors, can't find it in other Persian blogs or sites , English or Persian. At least we think so, because it is initiated by persiangirls, 2ms.
Here we’re trying to introduce a Latin alphabet for Persian language, Farsi. Some prejudice people may say NOWAY!!!!. But its necessary for 2 reasons: first making Farsi easy to write and learn( Arabic alphabet which is used now has lots of imperfections as it doesn’t have symbols for vowels and…. While this alphabet has mathematical shape and seems more logical…). second the new style of life in the internet world, chat rooms, sms, etc causes us to use Latin alphabet. And if sb tells that’s not true, I will tell him/ her that he/ she is completely blind.
This idea didn’t come out in one night. It backs to more than 50 years ago. For some reasons it failed in that time. But now new generation feels lack of such device in this new life as they use it in wrong shape in mentioned places.
Anyway, we believe in our way and we will keep it on. We would be glad to see our friends or others who are interested in helping and correcting our mistakes active in this part. For making it short:
There is a story behind this part. Maybe Mehrnaz can tell it better! Last year I helped one of our friends (Dan) with Farsi a little. It sroke my mind that it would be good if we can teach Farsi to people who are interested in learning! So this part and other related parts, which will follow, focus on teaching Farsi:
If you don’t know Persian at all, you can start from alphabet:
This chart would be helpful for persians who wanna learn new persian alphabet.

Symbols in pink are according to " Advanced Oxford dictionary 1995" phonetic symbols.
This "-" means there is no symbol in Oxford dictionary for sounds "X" and "Q" : X= kh, Q= gh
If you know the alphabet, let’s start from a very simple dialog:

Jamshid: Hello
Nakisaa: Hello! Are you fine?
-: yes, thanks. how are you?
-:merci,I'm fine!
Here you see name of letters, and in the next chart there are some examples for them. Enjoy it!
Tip: remember, you should pronounce “H” in the middle and at the end of words as the same as at beginning of words in Farsi.
Tip: there is a sound in Farsi which you will sometimes see in some words “ow” it is long O; however, since it is in few words, we haven’t decide to put it in the alphabet chart yet. It’s like a diphthong…. Don’t be worry about it. We will find a way!
Tip: stress in Persian words is always put on the last syllable. There are some exceptions in some verbs.