Who would judge What?!!!
“There are at least 2 news about this in papers everyday” a friend said. It’s shocking and also thoughtful thing to hear!!! The pressure on doctors, patients, and their families is so noticeable!!! It made us think that so what is Euthanasi
a everyone is talking about now? And what happens that a patient or his family claim for it? Euthanasia (or in another word “mercy killing”) is when the patient has a fatal disease, and with no doubt this disease will lead the patient to a painful death!!! There is nothing doctors can do, nor treatment, neither relieving the pain even by sedatives or Opiodes!!! Mostly it happens when the patient is in such a bad condition that by doing Euthanasia he can be relieved from pain and have an easier death.
Today Euthanasia have received some sensational press around the world, and is discussed a lot for being able to decide if it’s a good decision or not, and are we allowed to do it or not.
But we believe that there is no way to be sure that it’s for or against moral, and should or should not be done!!! As we can never be in that patient’s shoes, or even his family, to see what kind of pressure they are enduring. We thought that maybe the best way to see exactly what is happening to these people was to go through what they’ve gone by listening and looking at them. So we found two cases, one Persian, the other an American one. But totally different from how they look to this, and even how they look to their handicapped, retardate children.
1-“Life is a battlefield”!!!!
Maryam is 30 now, and is living with her parents, those who have dedicated their life for just raising her and seeing her comfortable and happy (they also have a son who is married now and have 2 sons too.). She hardly can talk, and the only thing you can hear is single sounds, no words at all. She tries to ask for what she needs by pointing and her body gestures. One can hardly understand how someone can dedicate her/his life and raising a girl that actually even don’t understand more than a 1 year-old one!! Maybe even it seems useless, as beside for example maryam’s life her parent’s life was destroyed too. So we asked her mother how come this can ever happen. And how hard life is for them now, and it was the answers that surprised us from head to toe!!!
She never denied that it is hard to have a mentally and physically retarded daughter, but the way she looked at difficulties was different. She believed that maryam is th
e mercy she always wanted in her life and that she is the light that is shining on them, and help them survive and be strong. She said that since they have maryam, everything is changed, but in a good way. She thinks that now she sees things better and think about things more, and maryam has even helped her to have more faith in God and have more confidence about her life in this and the other world both. Respecting maryam is so important in the family and they expect others to respect her as well. No one there look at her like she does maybe not understand, but she is treated exactly like a 30 year old girl. She believes that whatever others may think, having maryam beside her is 100% better than not having her there, and if by any accident something happens to maryam, she is not going to forgive herself for that, cause she has no different look to maryam than a mother does to her child.
2-“God please deliver us from pain”!!!
Last year an American father killed her 4 year old mentally retarded daughter by gas. He was then sentenc
By studying these two different cases, one really should think that now is Euthanasia right or not!!! We still can’t say that firmly, as only God knows how hard it is to have a child like that, but some questions came in to our mind that we like to share them with you.
We wondered if Euthanasia is delivering the patient from pain and help her/him to have an easier death, or it’s about us and delivering ourselves from that pressure we are under, and help ourselves to feel life again? We also wondered how in heaven’s name we can understand that a little child is suffering from pain when he/she can’t even talk, and how we are sure that maybe he/she doesn’t have another world? Because we can never even say what’s happening in a normal person’s life truly, so how we can be sure what’s happening in someone’s life who can’t even talk to us?!
The other thing was the reason for having a baby like this, and it’s still something we can’t talk about. Why really God send a child like this to a family? (This question aroused when we faced with a very young, intelligent, handsome young boy’s death because of cancer, and he died exactly a month later they found this, but for example maryam is still living though she has such deep problems!!!)
We can’t say that all the families should do what maryam’s family do, or do what that American family did, because it’s not possible to talk about such things when we can not understand even a bit of what they are suffering from. We don’t judge, but still sometimes we think that maybe if we change the way we look at life, maybe how we look to such a thing changes too. And maybe we never see them the reasons why we don’t feel happy any more.
here there is a comment of one of our visitors:
Hello Persian Girls. I am a friend of your professor, Susan Marandi. I am from Canada, and I know Dr. Marandi from our online group, the WebHeads in Action.Your essay on Euthanasia was very thought-provoking, particularly the point of view from Maryam's mother. I have just finished reading a book about a mother who has cared for her comatose daughter for over 35 years. This mother feels much the same, that it is a blessing to serve her daughter, day and night, and it has only strengthened her faith in God.I work in the medical field, and there are times when medical intervention is pointless, so in a way it is like mercy killing to withhold treatment. But the courts do not usually support aggressive euthanasia.Thank you for writing about this sensitive topic, presenting both sides and your own thoughts. Well done!
Hello Persian Girls. I am a friend of your professor, Susan Marandi. I am from Canada, and I know Dr. Marandi from our online group, the WebHeads in Action.
Your essay on Euthanasia was very thought-provoking, particularly the point of view from Maryam's mother. I have just finished reading a book about a mother who has cared for her comatose daughter for over 35 years. This mother feels much the same, that it is a blessing to serve her daughter, day and night, and it has only strengthened her faith in God.
I work in the medical field, and there are times when medical intervention is pointless, so in a way it is like mercy killing to withhold treatment. But the courts do not usually support aggressive euthanasia.
Thank you for writing about this sensitive topic, presenting both sides and your own thoughts.
Well done!
dear friend,we thought that maybe it's somehow our duty to write about such an important topic that is being talked so much,and no one really knows who is right!!!!..thanks for reading means alot to us..especially the fact that you work in a medical field..that was soooo exciting..
thanks alot..keep reading our articles :P
Another job well done! :-)
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