Today is Dan Brown's turn..He is my favoutite author now!!
I think we can hardly find people who don't know him after writing"The Da vici code"..
This book is inspiring,it just made me feel like:oh god...
while reading the book i couldn't even put it down for a second. I had things to study for the university,but i just said: no problem,university is there,it's not gonna escape,just read it..don't put it down..
I remember reading the book even in the bus while going back home from university,though reading in a car or bus makes me feel so sick!!..
the fact that I didn't finish it in a day was that I was like: what should I do after finishing it?:P
but well I did,and after 2 months i'm still dreaming and thinking about it..Just really can't wait to see the movie that is coming out 33 days later..
I'm not sure but a friend said that he had some problems after publishing the book for months,but now things are going on well..
I believe that we can bravely call him one of the most talented post-modern writers..I just love the style and everything...
we couldn't contact him till now,but we wanna ask him to visit our weblog,as we both are his biggest fans ever..by the time we do that,we'll tell you all guys ,that maybe we can have an interview with him..
so,if you are one of those that still hasn't bought the book,or read it,don't waste the time..you won't regret..
Oh hello :) thanks for your comment.
Yes I love E. Lit. Haha. It is my therapy, life and soul. It is important. i felt the need to express my love for e.lit in the entry because, like, someone just asked me," E. lit is nothing right? About stories only right?" of course i feel the need to explain the importance of studying E.lit.
Oh I so agree with you. Without english literature, the world would be less beautiful.
Thanks! hot looking author.. take care
check out my site too:
heloo buddyy..
urwelcome,that was really nothing just my feelings ..thanks for visiting my weblog..hope to see u here again..
You expressed your feelings in a very good way.I agree with you about what you said about the book.If you could gt the movie would you please be kind enough to let me know!?!?
sure buddy..I will definetely write it in the blog,but you can also see when the movie is gonna be released in Dan Brown's official website..
thanks for ur comment..
THanks :) im going to link you up:
http://all-about-nurul-izzati-izzie.blogspot.com-- that is my link site.
do visit izzietheinternetbugwriter.blogspot.com if u have the time. thanks a lot!
and how did you find my site?
hugs. Hope happier days ahead of you.
Dear izzati,
thanks again for your wonderful comment..
your blog,well i was wandering around,to find blogs about literature,and urs was the sweetest one..so i just postet a comment there..heheeh..and till now im so happy i did so..
thanks for linking us up,we will too..
and i will definetely visit your blog..
thanks bud
I really felt exactly as you while reading the Da Vinci Code, I couldn't put it down. I have read other books, Angels and Demons, it was really good too.
Cheryl a webhead friend of Susan
Dear mountain oakes
I think Dan Brown has done something really big and that was to renew this image of persian history in so many minds..they may not know that he was talking about it all the time,but after a little bit searching they will..
I loved that..I was like: oh yeah,this is what we call history and thats in our hands..
hehehe..I was soo proud to be honest though i knew a bit of it but still exciting..
his work is also so respectable in linguistics..
that's what we can call a memorable novel..a master piece..
It's great fiction, gal! Go watch the movie and have a great ride, but when the lights come on... it's time to go home :)
As long as we dun confuse fiction for fact, it's perfectly ok! But when ppl start wondering if fishes dance or singrays sing after watching FINDING NEMO, we're in big trouble!
Hi girls:
I agree with the hedonese's commentary. I read the book and enjoyed it. I would have written it in a shorter way.I felt like its reading was like an onion.I mean,I thought I was nearly the core but another thing happened instead.
And as the hedonese says we shouldn't forget it's just a novel.
I loved it the comment about Nemo,hahaha.
Congratulations for your lovely blog
Susana Canelo
A webhead friend of Susana
this is what we wrote for this friend in his blog:
hello hedonese
thats really good to talk about such a thing and make clear all the question marks in our heads and act like some kinda sharing our opinion about such interesting things..
ok,as a matter of fact I've read the da vinci code in two versions,persian and english,one outstanding character the persian version has is that the translators were so knowledgable,and brought facts in foot-notes that made so many things clear..they showed us that how much this novel is based on the ignored part of the human history and ancient cultures..
so they helped us to have a different and more touchable understanding and view toward the novel.
and now we can understand that this novel is a fact-fiction, in style of Isaac Asimov,the russian writer..but the difference is that Isaac asimov went through future,but Dan Brown went through ignored past!!!
about why I said YES while reading the book,thats not because of the feminist or male chauvanism,it's about the balance between two sexes..the balance which the nature has formed during thousands of years..and if you wannna know more there is a complete information in the book..
and about NEMO,there would be np if a fish dances or sings,as in this way it would be easier to discover the world and human nature because of the similarities we are searching in the nature to know the mystries of life...you can never speak sure about anything(like saying its impossible to see such a thing in reality) in this world,u can just say ur opinion that if u try to fresh it then u will be alive!!!!!
love to talk to u more...we enjoy sharing our experiences with anyone who is interested..
and this is his answer:
hi Persian gal,
Thanks for the interaction...
Well, if watching Finding Nemo makes a person believes that fish can sing and stingrays can dance, I think that if he or she is on the verge of insanity! :D
If we can believe that Nemo the talking fish is a fact, no wonder we cant tell the difference between fact and fiction in DVC!
When reason is gone, we will blindly believe wat we see on the movie screen.
Let's be open minded, ladies and gentlemen.. But dun let it be so open that our brains fall off, hehe...
Let's be reasonable too!
I could understand how the persian version wud include footnotes to shore up the lack of documentation in the original DVC for its own agenda :)
But could you share if any of the footnotes of 'ignored past' contradict any part of the statements made in the article above?
It seems that the author has given some solid reasons why Dan Brown's version of history was more 'fictional' than fact :)
Btw on the balance between the two sexes, Persian gal, you are making sense for once!
I do agree that male and female complement each other too! That's great... But the pagan spirituality that DVC promotes which revels in sexual orgy in fact dishonors and demeans women's body, perhaps?
I dunno...
Wat do u think? :)
now I would like to ask anyone who can help us in this conversation be active in this part...
dear hedonese
So you think that we are on the verge of insanity!!! :D:P
the point is that how we can find the distinction between fact and fiction.have you ever seen the"fact" T.V serial? It talked about can we really put any difference between fact and fiction.That later It proved that you can never ever say what is fact and what is fiction.things may seem so weird and odd to you but they are real!!! so never be so sure about what you talk about..
I wonder if you know the philosophy behind movie-making,and as you know there are lots of different kinds of movie: criminal,romantic,etc.anyway what we are talking about is THE BOOK not the movie.
YES we do agree with you,we have to be open minded...but whenever you'll be able you find a limitation for human's understanding of the world( sciences,Arts,etc) then you can calime that if you go beyond the borthers you will fall off..
and even if you fall off, you can still feel those who put their lives in danger for just jumping out of the plane to feel the excitement of flying without wings!!!
the other thing about being reasonable!!!well none of the biggest people in the world,the genius ones,were never understood in their time,and they were rapidly said to be reasonable,that they may be insane,and that what they are saying is absolutely wrong!!
how can we be so sure about facts when we can't still prove that 2+2=4 ???? when we can't talk about anything so sure in physics,math,medicin,history,and ofcourse Literature..
we don't think that there is any lack of documentation in the original DVC for someone who is familiar with the European culture and history,what we were talking about was that the translators,for helping us understand this culture and history more,added things to relate that to our own cultur eand history,but we can asure you that there is no lack of documentation in DVC..
we'll be soo happy to share the foot-notes with you,so that this negative view may be gone..if there is any question about any part of the book,well,you are very welcome to ask and we'll try our best to answer you back..
about the paganism and what they do for worshiping,well,honor and dishonor is sth that our culture teaches us,and culture is sth based on many things like emotions,religions,etc.so as you see reason has a very little part in culture!!
we can understand what you say,you can definetely have your own way,and we are not telling that it's wrong,we are just trying to share our thoughts(which we think is not wrong too)there is no fighting,it's just and JUST sharing...hope we haven't offended you,though you did!!!
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